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[ Useful Information ]

[ Useful Information / Seniors ]

[ 4. Senior Housing ]

[ Housing Information for Seniors ]
The Department for the Aging (DFTA) maintains borough-based guides to Alternatives in Senior Housing. Guides include explanations of the different housing types. They also list appropriate borough contact information for adult homes, enriched housing, assisted living programs, Mitchell-Lama built for–or set aside for–the elderly public housing built for the elderly, Section 202, Section 8 and SROs for the elderly (NYC DFTA).

Please visit NYC DFTA: Housing Resources for more information.


[ Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) = NYC Rent Freeze Program ]
In 1970, the City of New York began the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program, offering qualifying senior citizens an exemption from future rent increases. In 2005, it was expanded to include qualifying tenants with disabilities under the Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) program. Together, SCRIE and DRIE are known as the NYC Rent Freeze Program. This program. This program helps eligible senior citizens (aged 62 and over) and tenants with qualifying disabilities stay in affordable housing by freezing their rent. Under this program, a property tax credit covered the difference between the actual rent amount and what you (the tenant) are responsible for paying at the frozen rate (NYC Finance).

NYC Finance: NYC Rent Freeze Program FREEZE YOUR RENT: A Guide for Tenants

For more information regarding eligibility and how to apply, please visit:
NYC Finance: NYC Rent Freeze Program
Department for the Aging – Benefits for Older New Yorkers

[ Weatherization Referral and Packaging Program (WRAP) ]
Local WRAP coordinators work to identify low-income, energy-vulnerable elderly households through extensive outreach, targeted publicity, and networking among other energy and aging services providers in the community. The WRAP coordinators assist individuals age 60, and above by arranging for an energy audit of their homes to determine if weatherization repairs are needed, such as insulating windows and doors (NYS DFTA).

For more information, please visit NYS DFTA: Weatherization Referral and Packaging Program (WRAP).

[ Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) ]
This program provides a property tax exemption for senior citizens who own one, two, or three family homes, condominiums, or cooperative apartments (NYC Finance).

For more information on eligibility and how to apply, please visit NYC Finance: Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE).

[ Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) ]
HEAP is a federally funded program that assists eligible households with grants to pay regular and emergency energy heating costs. The benefit does not have to be paid back. As the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS), HRA administers the program in New York City (NYC HRA: Energy Assistance).

For more information on eligibility and how to apply, please visit NYC HRA: Energy Assistance.

Link: NYS Department of Health: Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)